Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Retirement is harder than I expected!

There are so many things to occupy your time, it’s a chore to balance creating a necessary structure, with not becoming too regimented. I’ll be sure to let you know when I figure out how it’s done.

I need to take the mornings, when my energy level is the highest and make that my “work time”. Afternoons seem to be better if I can fit in a short nap, and then I’ll have some energy to make dinner or catch up on other chores.

My “work” can be art related, or genealogy research. At the moment I’m focusing on taking a watercolor class that I purchased online, so I could proceed at my own glacial speed. A couple of winter’s ago in I enjoyed taking a short watercolor workshop and came away knowing I wanted to explore more.

We chose a photograph and used it to create a small painting. I chose a photo that I took in San Miguel de Allende at the Instituto and managed to produce a flat and stilted watercolor. It was gratifying enough to make me want to learn some techniques to improve my attempts.

Stay tuned....


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